Friday, May 31, 2019
The Western as Commentary about Decaying Values Essay -- Western Cultu
The Western as Commentary about Decaying Values The Western, as a genre, is incendiary of the values that its Christian characters possess. Western films frequently depict social depravity in terms of the mythology that developed during westward expansion. The mythology was inspired by the threat of the barrier wilderness to Puritan culture. In order to preserve their society, some Puritans departed from their ideal Christian lives. Western films portray compromises that cultures make of the values that they define themselves by in order to protect the integrity of their other values. A contemporary Western, Open Range, which Kevin Costner stars in and directed, released in 1995, deals with a conflict between morality and justness and the genre mythology. In it, Boss Spear troops and Charley Waite herd cattle across the Western frontier. When they allow the herd to free-graze in Fort Harmon country, they infuriate a prominent rancher, Baxter, who tells them Free-grazers aint gonna take the feed off my cattle. A confrontation with Baxters henchmen results in them killing one of Boss helpers and another, Button, is severely hurt. Boss and Charley ar face up with the options either to run away, in which case Button would die, or to risk their lives by entering the town to find him a doctor. Boss and Charley both are generous to each other, their workers, and population they encounter. Charley is a former Civil War fighter who is trying to escape his past with the guidance of the old, collected cowboy, Boss. Both charter clearly been in fights before however, Charleys past troubles him in a deeper way than his demeanor suggests. He explains that he first shot a man in the throat ... ...fe from the dangers of their enemies and feel that they have the freedom of pioneers. Even as the wilderness and the frontier become more distant, the mythology that arose in the American west keeps its people inexorably determin ed to maintain the democracy and the freedom that it provides. Works Cited Fiedler, Leslie A. The Return of the Vanishing American. Briarcliff Manor, NY Stein and Day, 1968. Slotkin, R. Regeneration Through Violence The Mythology of the American Frontier 1600-1860. Norman, OK University of okay Press, 1973. Turner, Frederick J. Contributions of the West to American Democracy. The Turner Thesis Concerning the Role of the Frontier in American History. Ed. George R. Taylor. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath and Company, 1972.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Importance of Dialogue in The Tempest :: Tempest essays
Importance of Dialogue in The Tempest Dialogue is one of the most beta features in a play, where the audience has the story acted and spoken out in front of them. For this reason, in a play such as The Tempest, relationships are scripted and constructed mainly through the spoken word. The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, in the genre of both a romance and a pastoral tragicomedy. Since Prospero is the primal character of the text, most of the relationships shown and developed in the play concern him. He has his main dealings with Miranda, Ferdinand, Alonso, Antonio and Caliban. Miranda is his daughter, and was exiled along with him to this island. Prospero has cared solely for her in the last sixteen years, and olibanum is very protective. He helps Miranda and Ferdinand to become betrothed, and as a kind of test he makes Ferdinand do chores. When he sees the true love surrounded by them, and that his little little girl is not sop little anymore, he consen ts to their marriage. His relationship with Ferdinand is much shorter, but basically he tests Ferdinand to see if he is a worthy husband for his daughter. He accuses him of various things, such as being a spy, but the fast that Ferdinand repeatedly exclaims that any burden is made, light if he can see the count of Miranda pleases Prospero. Part of Mirandas new status as being grown up is shown in the long exposition where Prospero finally tells her the truth about her background and how they came upon the island, and her exclamation of Oh brave new world, that hath such people int. when she sees the noblemen, more people than she has ever seen singly before, all at once. Caliban is the monstrous son of the dark witch Sycorax, who was the principle of the island previously. As heir apparent, Prosper actually usurped rule from him, a fact which is never given thought to in the play Prospero did look kindly onto Caliban at first, but after his attempted rape of Miranda he was reduced to the status of common slave, with Prospero as his master. After the attempted crime, it is no wonder that the relationship between them is quite testy.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Moving Away at a Young Age Essay -- Personal Narrative Moving Essays
Moving Away at a Young AgeMoving far away from family and friends can be toughened on a child at a young age. It has its pros and cons. One learns how to galvanic pile with moving away from the people they love and also learn how to deal with adjusting to new ways of life. Everything seems so different and at a young age one feels like they have just left the whole domain behind them. That was an experience that changed my life as a person. It taught me how to deal with change and how to adjust. It developed me from a young boy into a mature young man.The twenty-four hour period I moved away, a lot of things were going through my young mind. As I took my last look at my home, I remembered all the romp times I had with my family and friends through out my life. Now I was moving 800 miles away from all of that with no insight on what lied ahead for me. As my family and I drove away from our Michigan home, I looked out the window wondering what Virginia would be, and what my friend s were doing. A lot of things were going through my mind at the time. At the time my main worry was if I would make any friends, and how I would adjust to everything. During the whole drive down, my mother would often let me know that everything would be all right and I would like it. Trying to be strong and hold back my tears, I just shook my head no, wondering why we had to move so far away. Life would be different for me and I knew it would.Adjusting to an atmosphere and new people had its ups and downs. Everybody ta...
Introduction To Human Services Essay -- essays research papers
Introduction to Human ServicesJeffrey, "A Human Services Professional is someone who is a facilitatorfor someone who is not able or not yet able to deal with issues in a healthy way.I am taking classes so that I can learn how to best avail empower stack changetheir situation by believing in themselves. I believe that people have theanswers within themselves, scarce may need help getting in touch with theirspiritual or intuitive self. As human function providers, we hopefully striveto model healthy behavior, including the fact that we atomic number 18 human, need supportfrom our peers, and can make mistakes."     "When a client is ready, we educate them to give them an nous of what isdestructive behavior, bring to their attention possible consequences of theiractions, and suggest ideas or alternatives. Usually a client already k right offs allthis, they just never knew a break out way or thought their way of dealing withlife was normal. I work o n accepting each person where they are in their life,which takes strength. I may be saying in my mind, Cant you see your way outof the prison youre in?, but then I remember that I apply to be in the sameplace, and it took years to find my way out. I still struggle with my addiction,and it still affects me, just not so profoundly."     "What I would alike to do is work with teenagers. As a teenager, I wasbefriended by a Young Life leader. He was a man in his 40s and didnt wantanything from me but to be my friend. When I drank beer at lunch, he didnttell me to not drink. I dont remember his words so much as the feeling I gotwhen we were together. He was like a father/friend to me. He seemed to careabout me unconditionally. He looked at me like a real human person, which mademe uncomfortable, which now looking back, was probably because I wasnt used tothat. My deliver father lived in the same house with me, but he was not emotionallyavailable to me. My ow n father seemed to commemorate that all women are good for issex and housekeeping. That scares me when I think of that now. My firsthusband thought of me only as good for sex, handle making, and housekeeping. I amgrateful that I have wised up since then.     My passion is to work in the alternative schools as a tutor or mentor,to help give kids some kind of an idea what ... ...ce what I love to do. Is it possible to go to school or receive on thejob training? sometimes where there is a will, there is a way. I know somepeople who manage apartments, therefore do not need to pay prosecute for a place tolive. They receive financial aid and food stamps while they are in school.     What some people do is find out which professions are in demand, or willbe in the future. These trends can be found in publications such as governmentstatistical manuals.If there is something you think you would like to explore, maybe you could colloquy to people who are willing to take the time to explain how they carry outtheir responsibilities for their work. Bring a list of questions so the personyou are interviewing has an idea of what specific aspects of their career youare curious about. People who are happy with their careers are usually quitewilling to talk about themselves in this way. I know someone who owns his ownbusiness. He began as a backyard mechanic and now ten years later runs a verysuccessful auto repair shop. For him it means long hours, but he is very proudof his accomplishments. He says there is nothing like organism your own boss.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Rose for Emily Essay examples -- essays papers
A Rose for EmilyIn A Rose for Emily, William Faulkners symbolic use of the come up is essential to the storys theme of Miss Emilys self-isolation. The rosaceous is often a symbol of love, and portrays an everlasting beauty. The rose has been used for centuries to illustrate an everlasting type of love and faithfulness. counterbalance when a rose dies, it is still held in high regard. Miss Emilys rose exists solely within the storys title. Faulkner leaves the reader to interpret the roses symbolic meaning. Miss Emily was denied the possibility of falling in love in her youth, so subsequently she disjunct herself from the world and denied the existence of change. Miss Emily was denied her rose, first by her father, then by the townspeople, and then Homer Barron. Through the explicit characterization of the title character, Miss Emily, and the use of the rose as a symbol, the reader is able to decipher that Homer Barron was Miss Emilys only rose. Miss Emilys father deni ed her the ability to establish a ordinary family because of their familys social position. She lost the will and the desire to do so, even after he died. The reader is aware that Miss Emilys chances of having a normal relationship are hindered by her fathers obstinace. Miss Emilys father was a prominent well-respected southern gentleman, and he would not allow his only daughter to be courted by just anyone. None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such. We had long thought of them as a tableau. As most little girls do, Miss Emily idolized her father, and held him in high regard, even though he was a strong and heavy man, who did not allow her to experience life. Miss Emilys father robbed her of her ... ever come to her, including her self-esteem, and the ability to conform to her fathers and societys wishes. She isolated herself so that she could be who she was. Miss Emily Grierson isolated herself from a society that would not accept her fo r who she was. She was viewed as someone to be pitied and scorned. Everyone deserves a rose in life, and insofar Miss Emily was denied her rose from everyone that ever came into contact with her. Her father, the townspeople, and even Homer Barron denied her love. Miss Emily gear up her rose and she would not accept the loss of love. She gave up her freedom, and isolated herself so that she could be with the one that she loved, and remember the embrace that they once may have shared. Like a flower between the pages of a bible Miss Emily found that living with memories was better than living in a society that scorned her.
A Rose for Emily Essay examples -- essays papers
A Rose for EmilyIn A Rose for Emily, William Faulkners symbolic use of the rosaceous is essential to the storys theme of Miss Emilys self-isolation. The come up is often a symbol of love, and portrays an everlasting beauty. The rose has been used for centuries to illustrate an everlasting type of love and faithfulness. Even when a rose dies, it is still held in broad(prenominal) regard. Miss Emilys rose exists unless within the storys title. Faulkner leaves the reader to interpret the roses symbolic meaning. Miss Emily was denied the possibility of falling in love in her youth, so subsequently she isolated herself from the world and denied the existence of change. Miss Emily was denied her rose, first by her father, then by the townspeople, and then Homer Barron. Through the explicit flick of the title character, Miss Emily, and the use of the rose as a symbol, the reader is able to decipher that Homer Barron was Miss Emilys only rose. Miss Emilys father denied her the great power to establish a normal relationship because of their familys social position. She lost the will and the desire to do so, even after he died. The reader is aware that Miss Emilys chances of having a normal relationship are hindered by her fathers obstinace. Miss Emilys father was a prominent well-respected southern gentleman, and he would not allow his only daughter to be courted by just anyone. None of the young men were quite well-behaved enough for Miss Emily and such. We had long thought of them as a tableau. As most little girls do, Miss Emily idolized her father, and held him in high regard, even though he was a strong and forbidding man, who did not allow her to experience life. Miss Emilys father robbed her of her ... ever come to her, including her self-esteem, and the ability to conform to her fathers and societys wishes. She isolated herself so that she could be who she was. Miss Emily Grierson isolated herself from a society that would not accept her for who she was. She was viewed as someone to be pitied and scorned. Everyone deserves a rose in life, and yet Miss Emily was denied her rose from everyone that ever came into contact with her. Her father, the townspeople, and even Homer Barron denied her love. Miss Emily found her rose and she would not accept the loss of love. She gave up her freedom, and isolated herself so that she could be with the one that she loved, and remember the embrace that they once may have shared. Like a flower between the pages of a bible Miss Emily found that living with memories was better than living in a society that scorned her.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Born on the Fourth of July
Born on The 4th of July is a film based on the true invoice of Ron Kovic, a young, naive man who went to Vietnam in the noble efforts of serving his country once there, he was ray in the chest and was forever paralyzed. He returned to a join States which didnt believe in the contend, and didnt believe in him. He soon grows embittered with life, losing his chances to be a man, condemned to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He finally joins the anti-war movement, gets thr profess come forth of the republican Convention where Richard Nixon is speaking, and finally is allowed to speak at the Democratic National Convention in 1976.The idyllic 1950s to the turbulent 1960s represented a dynamic transformation in American culture. The end of World War II prompted a booming economy and the American dream of your own house with the white vigil ring was born. Although the 50s were picturesque in some respect the end of WWII entrenched a deep fear of Communism. As America entered Vietnam the conservative i act ups of the WWII generation clashed with the move school-age child and youth awareness. This motion-picture show represents a modern view of the Vietnam War era and the transformation that occurred throughout the country with varying degrees of historical accuracy.The opening stab of the cinema pictures the mood of the country in the mid to late fifties. It romanticizes war with the parade scene and the kids playing army. This plays on the theme that some war is good, or at least justifiable. Kovic, the main character of the film, is a patriotic person wanting to serve his country and believing that Vietnam would be his chance. . The U. S. became polarized over the war. Many supporters of U. S. matter argued for what was cognise as the domino theory, a theory that believed if one country fell to communism, then the bordering countries would be sure to fall as well, much equal locomote dominoes.This theory was largely held cod to the fall of e astern Europe to communism and the Soviet sphere of influence following World War II. In the movie as Kovic and his friends discuss entertaining the Marines the ideas of containment and the domino theory are discussed. Kovic enlist and the Marines, where he fights on the front line of the Vietnam war. He is later shot and hence paralyzed from half of his body. Kovic spends months in a Veteran hospital in Brooklyn, NY. The conditions of this hospital are deplorable.Patients are left to lie in their own fecal matter while they are ignored and mistreated by the Doctors and Nurses. It is then that Kovic begins to see how Americans felt about the war he so proudly went into. By 1970 nearly 50,000 had already been killed and up to 200,000 wounded. Even though this number paled in comparison to the 100,000 South Vietnamese and more than 500,000 North Vietnamese who had died, more Americans scene the number far too high for the mere defense of a strip of jungle on the former(a) side of the world.Morale had travel to an incomparable low both for the families at home and for the men in the field. Veterans protest groups such as the Vietnam Veterans Against the War became increasingly vocal, attacking U. S. policy afterwardward they came home. Kovic eventually joined this group emerging as a strong voice against the war. The neglect and resentment of veterans was an unfortunate social effect of the war. While after other wars, the soldiers were welcomed back with parades and open arms, the Vietnam veterans were shunned, demeaned and booed.This was accurately depicted in this movie when Kovic returns and is mistreated at the hospital, and during a Fourth of July Parade he is booded at. Since it was such an less-traveled war, Americans held veterans trusty for the war, although many of them did not approve of the war either. The veterans situation was a tough one, especially with little or no support. About 150,000 veterans came home wounded, or amputated, and at least 21,000 were permanently disabled, unable to work for the rest of their lives.Many developed illnesses after the war such as cancers liver disease and rashes, broadly due to exposure to Agent Orange. Having seen the horrors of Vietnam, many veterans were psychologically scarred. Nightmares, anxiety causing flashbacks, and fits of terror from loud noises were common behaviors reported amongst veterans. Approximately 830,000 survivors of Vietnam suffered mental and emotional disorders and showed symptoms of business office traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) However many were unable to get the help they needed and deserved, because they were perceived as crazy and dangerous, and even deserving of their circumstance. economical aesculapian and educational aid was not made available to them right away, and many veterans felt abandoned by the country they served. In trying to deal with this situation, some veterans developed drug or alcohol habits and many felt driven to suicide. A s the proud daughter of one of these Vietnam Veterans, I can key you that this movie was difficult to watch at times. Growing up, most of my memories with my father are going to see him in the Veterans hospital. Therefore, I had the privilege of growing up just about many Vietnam war Veterans.I saw firsthand the self medicating of drugs and alcohol. Many times when my sisters and I would visit my father, we never really knew who we were going to get, the pastime benignant father, or the drugged up father. As I got older my father slowly began to talk about his experiences in Vietnam. My fathers accounts of what happened during the war and after the war, are chilling. This movie accurately depicted many of them, as the stories my father has are not so different from many American Heroes that Served in the Vietnam War.Referenceshttp// memoir/american/vietnamwar/section9.rhtmlhttp// on the Fourth of JulyBorn on The 4th of July is a film based on the true story of Ron Kovic, a young, naive man who went to Vietnam in the noble efforts of serving his country once there, he was shot in the chest and was forever paralyzed. He returned to a United States which didnt believe in the war, and didnt believe in him. He soon grows embittered with life, losing his chances to be a man, condemned to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He eventually joins the anti-war movement, gets thrown out of the Republican Convention where Richard Nixon is speaking, and finally is allowed to speak at the Democratic National Convention in 1976.The idyllic 1950s to the turbulent 1960s represented a dynamic shift in American culture. The end of World War II prompted a booming economy and the American dream of your own house with the white picket fence was born. Although the 50s were picturesque in some respect the end of WWII entrenched a deep fear of Communism. As America entered Vietnam the conservative ideals of the WWII generation clashed with the rising student and youth awareness. This movie represents a modern view of the Vietnam War era and the transformation that occurred throughout the country with varying degrees of historical accuracy.The opening scene of the movie pictures the mood of the country in the mid to late fifties. It romanticizes war with the parade scene and the kids playing army. This plays on the theme that some war is good, or at least justifiable. Kovic, the main character of the film, is a patriotic person wanting to serve his country and believing that Vietnam would be his chance. . The U. S. became polarized over the war. Many supporters of U. S. involvement argued for what was known as the domino theory, a theory that believed if one country fell to communism, then the bordering countries would be sure to fall as well, much like falling dominoes.This theory was largely held due to the fall of eastern Europe to communism and the Soviet sphere of influence following World War II. In the movie as Kovic and his friends discuss entertaining the Marines the ideas of containment and the domino theory are discussed. Kovic enlist and the Marines, where he fights on the front line of the Vietnam war. He is later shot and thus paralyzed from half of his body. Kovic spends months in a Veteran hospital in Brooklyn, NY. The conditions of this hospital are deplorable.Patients are left to lie in their own fecal matter while they are ignored and mistreated by the Doctors and Nurses. It is then that Kovic begins to see how Americans felt about the war he so proudly went into. By 1970 nearly 50,000 had already been killed and up to 200,000 wounded. Even though this number paled in comparison to the 100,000 South Vietnamese and more than 500,000 North Vietnamese who had died, many Americans thought the number far too high for the mere defense of a strip of jungle on the other side of the world.Morale had fallen to an all-time low bo th for the families at home and for the men in the field. Veterans protest groups such as the Vietnam Veterans Against the War became increasingly vocal, attacking U. S. policy after they came home. Kovic eventually joined this group emerging as a strong voice against the war. The neglect and resentment of veterans was an unfortunate social effect of the war. While after other wars, the soldiers were welcomed back with parades and open arms, the Vietnam veterans were shunned, demeaned and booed.This was accurately depicted in this movie when Kovic returns and is mistreated at the hospital, and during a Fourth of July Parade he is booded at. Since it was such an unpopular war, Americans held veterans responsible for the war, although many of them did not approve of the war either. The veterans situation was a tough one, especially with little or no support. About 150,000 veterans came home wounded, or amputated, and at least 21,000 were permanently disabled, unable to work for the re st of their lives.Many developed illnesses after the war such as cancers liver disease and rashes, mostly due to exposure to Agent Orange. Having seen the horrors of Vietnam, many veterans were psychologically scarred. Nightmares, anxiety causing flashbacks, and fits of terror from loud noises were common behaviors reported amongst veterans. Approximately 830,000 survivors of Vietnam suffered mental and emotional disorders and showed symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) However many were unable to get the help they needed and deserved, because they were perceived as crazy and dangerous, and even deserving of their circumstance.Economic medical and educational aid was not made available to them right away, and many veterans felt abandoned by the country they served. In trying to deal with this situation, some veterans developed drug or alcohol habits and many felt driven to suicide. As the proud daughter of one of these Vietnam Veterans, I can tell you that this movie wa s difficult to watch at times. Growing up, most of my memories with my father are going to see him in the Veterans hospital. Therefore, I had the privilege of growing up around many Vietnam war Veterans.I saw firsthand the self medicating of drugs and alcohol. Many times when my sisters and I would visit my father, we never really knew who we were going to get, the fun loving father, or the drugged up father. As I got older my father slowly began to talk about his experiences in Vietnam. My fathers accounts of what happened during the war and after the war, are chilling. This movie accurately depicted many of them, as the stories my father has are not so different from many American Heroes that Served in the Vietnam War.Referenceshttp//
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Life Cycle Assessment Essay
This Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) aims to evaluate the environmental impact of the end product of evokedlesticks. All the different materials and changees required to create pottydles need to be taken into consideration to determine the impacts on the environment. The approximately common material used to manufacture candles is paraffin wax. Each candle comes in some type of individual package most of the time. Candle wicks be made using various internal fibers, such as reeds, rushes, or cotton. An important refinement in wick engineering science introduced the plaited wick, which burned more than unplaited wicks. Currently, twisted or plaited cotton makes up most of the wicks. The candlestick is made of steel, or could also be made of metal. The functional unit go away be a 125ml candle able to generate up to 25 hours of light. Each steel-made candlestick can only hold one candle, and can be used several times.InputsParaffin wax Cotton metallic element Materials for pack aging OutputsGas emissions when candles burn, paraffin wax emits greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide. Depletion of natural resources paraffin wax is derived from crude oil. Paraffin candles be oil colour products, a non renewable resource. It could increase pollution due to oil spills and the processes needed to extract petroleum. At the same time, the extraction of metal needed for the candlestick causes sizable volumes of solid waste, requires large amounts of energy, and produces air, soil, and water pollution. Chemicals toxicity some candles might have lead or zinc in their wick, which release harmful gasses when they burn. Also, scented candles can release toxins from the chemicals used to give them scent.Question 2 of 3 (10 points)Corporate Environmental Management ToolsEcolabelling Swan eco-label was developed for candles by the Nordic ecolabelling. The main suggest is to reduce the emission and effect of substances harmful to users health and the reduction of gases that have and impact on climate change. According to this scheme, 19 out of 28 are environmental requirements, such as description of the candle, description of chemical additives, among others. Design for the Environment Enabling consumers to quickly identify products that are safer and that can help foster the environment will make them choose a certain product more frequently. If manufacturers start focusing on producing candles that are made from the safest possible ingredients, consumers, producers, and the environment will benefit.Sustainability reports Keeping track of environmental performance and the capacity of a company to use and maintain resources in a way that prevents depletion, will emend economic, and social performance. If candles can be produced in a more sustainable way, that is, using substitutes sources that are renewable and little harmful, the final product will be more successful in all the areas. Therefore, reporting this information will allow constant improvement of all the processes. Integrated supply chain care It is important to know which stages in a supply chain are the ones that are being less efficient, and negatively affecting the production of a good, in this case, candlesticks. Determining these processes can enable their improvement to have a more environmentally friendly supply chain.Carbon footprint As we need metals for producing a candlestick, we depend on large amounts of energy and, if the energy is generated using fossil fuels, it has a large carbon footprint. Measuring carbon footprint allows the whole manufacturing process to be analyzed, realizing which stages have a stronger impact and how can they be improved. Cleaner production improvement of the machinery used in each stage of production can drop-off the environmental impact of producing candles, as it will decrease waste created after different processes. It can also make the processes more efficient, benefiting the company. Development of technology h as made these improvements possible. Stakeholder analysis every single company must consider all the interested parts in a product as they are the ones that decide how successful and efficient a good will is. If the manufacturing of candlesticks is for example affecting the surroundings of a plant, people, that are consumers too, can generate social impacts that will worsen the companys performance and image.Question 3 of 3 (4 points)Challenges and limitationsCandles can be made of different types of wax that have different impacts on the environment. Some of the raw materials that could be used to produce a candle can be less harmful than others. The candleholder life span could vary depending on the quality of the metal that is being used. Therefore, changing the life span of the candlestick.Transition from a Cradle to Grave to a Cradle to CradleSteel has utmost scrap metal recycling value. Old metal material can be reused to make new products. Recycling old metal products uses 9 5% less energy than manufacturing it using new materials. Metal recycling processes require using a lot of energy. If we recycle metal products we only have to use a low percentage of this total energy, decreasing the use of our natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.To minimize wasteful wrapping of candles, the material used for packaging can reduce the environmental impact by choosing more recyclable materials. Aluminum, for instance, could be used as a base for the candles, or even to manufacture a candleholder, considering it can be easily recycled. Glass, can be recycled too, reused, and even upcycled into new materials or products. Avoiding candles with extra plastic packaging can also decrease the negative impacts on the environment. In addition to packaging decisions, considering the materials used for manufacturing of candles can benefit the producers, consumers and the environment. For example, soy and beeswax candle emit fewer harmful chemicals when burne d. another(prenominal) way to reduce pollution is to buy from local candlemakers. This reduces wasteful packaging, and there is no need to transport raw materials to a farther manufacturing plant, and to consumers at long-lasting geographical distances. Thus, reducing fuel usage and supporting local businesses as well.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Tyler Perry’s the Family That Preys
This is a good family flick that tooshie show the viewers how near people prey on one another. This movie reminded me of the generation my brother and I didnt get along. It shows how different families are and how they treat one another. Sadly this movie also shows how family members can be so ice-cold blooded. This movie duplicates real life situations where innocent People get hurt, family loyalty gets divided and couples end up in divorce. This movie is centered on deuce main couples and a few supporting characters. Chris & Andrea This couple is different than most in galore(postnominal) ways.Andrea, the married woman character is all most cash and force unwrap and thinks only astir(predicate)(predicate) herself. Chris is a wicked working husband who deeds as a construction worker for Cartwright inc. the same accompany his wife works for. Chris and Andrea were right out of college when they married. As time goes on, you can cod that neither Chris nor Andrea lived their life for the lord, both allowed themselves to become too busy to go to church. Chris still hung onto his moral philosophy remaining a faithful husband and a loving father. However Andrea, un the like Chris was flirting from the day they got married with Mr.Cartwright who became their boss. During the four years of their marriage she was acquire large bonuses for carrying on an affair with Mr. Cartwright. These three characters obviously live without God and do things of a worldly nature in their life. I think Chris and Andrea could guard had a blessed marriage and a good life had they let God lead them. Andrea behind her husband Chriss back is hiding the money that Mr. Cartwright has been giving her over the years. Chris while at the bank one day finds out that his wife Andrea has a separate account with 286. 00. 00. This is example is a lesson on trust within a marriage.This couple is shown to be the opposite of Chris and Andrea. Ben and Pam are loving and close, they wor k on their marriage and communicate and often talk about GOD. They have traditional values and both work hard for their money and the things they have. Ben, like Chris is a hard working construction employee for the Cartwrights. Bens wife Pam work for her suffer Alice at the family business, a place called awing and a prayer diner.Pam is a good supportive wife to Ben and she works hard and has great respect for her mother. Pam is a faithful devoted wife to her husband Ben. They have problems of their own, both work long hours laboring hard with little net but, they trust in the Lord to solve their problems and see them through. Their marriage and their life shows they have deep faith and are grateful for what blessing they have, and you can see that they are satisfied. Alice & Char tummyte These are the two mothers of the movie. Alice is the mother of two filles Pam, Andrea.At one point you see Alice and Pam talking to Andrea when Chris confronts her about the money in the accoun t and he learns of her affair with William Cartwright, her mother and sister try to explain that nothing good can come out of hurting others. Andrea believes that because of her affair William enjoys her and will leave his wife and choose a life with her. Her mother Alice warns her that he wont leave his wife and wonders out loud where she went so wrong with Andrea. Charlotte, who is mostly called Mrs. Cartwright, is the mother of William Cartwright, the son that is having the affair with Andrea.Alice tries to live right and goes to church and choir practice and carries her Bible with her everywhere she goes. Through the movie Alice and her daughter Pam are shown abeting out this down and out man whose name is Nick. They provide him with clean clothes, free meals and a place to wash up. When asked by her daughter why they do this for this man, Alice reminds her daughter Pam You Never When You Might Be Entertaining an Angel. Charlotte, Mrs. Cartwright finds out she has a problem th at the doctor tell her about. The doctors tell her she had early onset Alzheimers.Without manduction her health information she asks Alice to take a trip across the United States heading west. She buys a 1959 Cadillac to drive on the trip. She wants to feel alive and have caper before the Alzheimers sets in. They travel through some(prenominal) states during their trip. While its her turn to drive Alice stops by a river and encourages Charlotte to get saved by being baptized in a river. Charlotte stops by a bar and has fun drinking and dancing, but Alice being a Christian doesnt want anything to do with that stuff.The trip ends when Charlotte has an episode and Alice learns she has Alzheimers and wants to go home. While away Charlottes son William tries to stab his mother in the back and fall behind her early from her own company. This is a sad example of power and money being a priority more than family love and loyalty. William is definitely controlled by the secular world. Ch arlotte has a surprise her friend Alice has been buying stock from Nick, who although is now going through a rough time once was a stock investor for Cartwrights inc. and William fired him.Nick, Pam and Alice attend a board meeting, the very same one William is using to try and retire his own mother. Alice announces that with Nick and Alices share she has again controlling interest and fires her back stabbing son William. Pam learns at this meeting in a round- about way that her mother Alice who is hard working isnt poor but actually a millionaire. It sadly shows Charlotte near the end of the movie taking her medication out of the bathroom cabinet and we gather that she takes an dose as the movie shows Alice crying and it goes to Charlottes funeral.Alice being a true friend she toughs it out and sings at her friends funeral a song about if given a chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance. This movie brought a lot of stuff to my attention that had gone on in my family growi ng up. Alice had two daughters that didnt see eye to eye on anything. It made me stop and think about how my brother and I were with our mother. This movie held so much feeling in it offering the viewer a wide range of emotions.I think if more families would sit together and stay many of Tyler Perrys movies they would get a great deal of family value out of them. Not only does Tyler Perry make movies for entertainment and enjoyment he can take a viewer to the heart of the real issue. I have watched a lot of Tylers movies but this hits home for me because it uses things like Secular secular humanism, Suffering, and turning your back on a loved one like a evil person. I could pick up on many of the worlds issues today, in this movie. This movie meant so much to me personally I had to share it with my family.I stopped to think about the suffering some families go through in life trying to get ahead and how sometimes its because they step on one another to do it, like William trying t o retire his mother behind her back. What happened to the old days when people like Alice and Pam were raised to do for those less fortunate than you, even if they might be your own family. When did the world become so self centered, selfish and uncaring of humanity like Andrea. I really relate to what Alice shared with her daughter Pam, you never know when you could be entertaining an Angel. It might be a stranger or it could even be a member of your family, you should be respectful and kind of all people. I wish more of the families today could go back to the time when families really cared for each other. More and more of todays family members help one another only to expect something in return or they use it against you. It hurts when I look at what has happened to familys values today. In many families kids have no respect for their parents, brother and Sisters fight sometimes carrying it on for years.I see how people today dont care about feelings or what will happen to the o ther person. People of today are all about getting that almighty dollar, they let their lives and attitudes be obsessed with money. galore(postnominal) people, like some of the characters in this movie think that the more money you have the more power you will have. Andrea in this movie was snooty and acted as if she was so much better than her sister or her mother, William assumed that because Charlotte was his mother and he was her son that he would one day be the leader of her company like she owed the position to him.If more people would read and live by the Bible families would have less trouble than they have. God and prayer have to be the foundation for a family to be and remain close, loving and respectful of each other. Those that choose to live for God think and act more righteously, out of their love and respect for God comes love and respect for others. I was raised very old fashioned where families were families and you cared, loved, and watched out for each other. I h ave seen a lot people say that they are helping their family are there staying with them.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Edward scissorhands
We instantly scan volume for some characteristic we like and then we bolt on to it. Social expectations we atomic number 18 all trained in from a young age, Edwards puzzle is that he isnt used to this. He has to be taught all these things. severally group of friends and family has little expectations . Edward has a lady who comes Edward and Othello be treated really well until they leave behind an advantage to society, once this benefit is complete these commonwealth are thrown out like trash.Still a elineation between a man and a woman. Othello average expects her to obey him no matter what. Edward is not believed when he says she was seducing me , he is not believed because he is various. Othello and Edward are both subjected to perspective. They all believe Desdemona deserves expose than Othello, and the girl deserves better than Edward. They are both obviously different and are so excluded. Because you have a heritage from another country you must be born there.Alien ating individual can really affect their identity. If one person starts to incertitude one person it gets contagious. Iago puts enough doubt on Othello to lead and the weird lady makes everyone plication against Edward. Once people can make other people see them differently Seed of doubt, once that gets planted thats when the trouble starts. The only woman that understands Edward is that woman, who is mothered by her Othello you never hear that he can go and talk of the town to someone when things go wrong. Edward has no one either.Edward has the woman who seems a bit naive moreover Othello has literally no one. Othello sees himself as an outsider- the whole out of my alliance thing- he cant believe that Desdemona has married me He sees himself as a rough, baboon soldier, this is evident when he apologises for his speech If you dont know the rules then you become the outsider If it doesnt harmonise with their thinking they will change things to make things work for them. Peo ple that feel like outsiders, are easy to take advantage edward scissorhands By brandonrouthEdward scissorhandsWe instantly scan people for some characteristic we like and then we latch on to it. Social expectations we are all trained in from a young age, Edwards problem is that he isnt used to this. He has to be taught all these things. Each group of friends and family has little expectations . Edward has a lady who comes Edward and Othello are treated really well until they provide an advantage to society, once this benefit is complete these people are thrown out like trash.Still a elineation between a man and a woman. Othello Just expects her to obey him no matter what. Edward is not believed when he says she was seducing me , he is not believed because he is different. Othello and Edward are both subjected to perspective. They all believe Desdemona deserves better than Othello, and the girl deserves better than Edward. They are both obviously different and are therefore excluded . Because you have a heritage from another country you must be born there.Alienating someone can really affect their identity. If one person starts to doubt one person it gets contagious. Iago puts enough doubt on Othello to lead and the weird lady makes everyone turn against Edward. Once people can make other people see them differently Seed of doubt, once that gets planted thats when the trouble starts. The only woman that understands Edward is that woman, who is mothered by her Othello you never hear that he can go and talk to someone when things go wrong. Edward has no one either.Edward has the woman who seems a bit naive still Othello has literally no one. Othello sees himself as an outsider- the whole out of my league thing- he cant believe that Desdemona has married me He sees himself as a rough, baboon soldier, this is evident when he apologises for his speech If you dont know the rules then you become the outsider If it doesnt agree with their thinking they will change th ings to make things work for them. People that feel like outsiders, are easy to take advantage edward scissorhands By brandonrouthEdward ScissorhandsTim Burton exposes us to a vulnerable, almost baby Like UN-developed human In a estimable big(p) mans body. We are allowed In to Edwards strange, and provoke in the buff human race where we capture In his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion. Edwards problems are both caused equally by, his kind-hearted good temper and his trust sense towards others, but at the same metre by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel sound judgement people of his new nominate society. Hes so called friends.They judge him on by he means he acts, it doesnt help that he was Isolated for so long, and was taught things for a different era It wasnt his fault. Edward Is seekd a herd also by the counselling he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clothes, his scared face and mostly by his razor- exquisite sciss ors he has for hands. It is because of these differences that he is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. at bottom the withdraw Edward Chardonnays, the director Tim Burton exposes us to a vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown Nans body.We are allowed In to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience In his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion. Edwards problems are both caused equally by, his kind-hearted good nature and his trusting soul towards others, but at the same time by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel Judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They pretend him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isolated for so long, and was taught things for a deferent era it wasnt his fault.Edward Is judged a lot also by the way he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clothes, his scared face and mostly by his razor-sharp scissors he has for hands. It is because of these differences that he is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. Within the film Edward Chardonnays, the director Tim Burton exposes us besides vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown mans body. We are allowed in to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience in his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion.Edwards problems are both caused equally by, his kind-hearted good nature and his trusting soul towards others, but at the same time by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel Judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They Judge him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isolated for so long, and was taught things for a different era it wasnt his fault. Edward is Judged a lot also by the way he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clot hes, his scared face and mostly by his razor-sharp scissors he has for hands.It Is because of these differences that he Is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. Vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown mans body. We are allowed in to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience in his judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They Judge him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isolated for so long, and was taught things for a different era it wasnt his fault. Edward is Judged a lot also by the way he perversion of nature.Edward ScissorhandsTim Burton exposes us to a vulnerable, almost baby Like UN-developed human In a full grown mans body. We are allowed In to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience In his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion. Edwards problems are both caused equally by, his kind-hearted g ood nature and his trusting soul towards others, but at the same time by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends.They judge him on by he way he acts, it doesnt help that he was Isolated for so long, and was taught things for a different era It wasnt his fault. Edward Is Judged a lot also by the way he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clothes, his scared face and mostly by his razor- sharp scissors he has for hands. It is because of these differences that he is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. Within the film Edward Chardonnays, the director Tim Burton exposes us to a vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown Nans body.We are allowed In to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience In his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion. Edwards problems are both caused equally by , his kind-hearted good nature and his trusting soul towards others, but at the same time by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel Judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They Judge him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isolated for so long, and was taught things for a deferent era it wasnt his fault.Edward Is judged a lot also by the way he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clothes, his scared face and mostly by his razor-sharp scissors he has for hands. It is because of these differences that he is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. Within the film Edward Chardonnays, the director Tim Burton exposes us too vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown mans body. We are allowed in to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience in his many plaguing problems, of heart ache and confusion.Edwards problems are both caused equally by, his kind-hearted good nature and his trusting soul towards others, but at the same time by his rage and anger in desperate times caused by the cruel Judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They Judge him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isolated for so long, and was taught things for a different era it wasnt his fault. Edward is Judged a lot also by the way he look, his pale skin, his gothic leather clothes, his scared face and mostly by his razor-sharp scissors he has for hands.It Is because of these differences that he Is rejected by this messed up society called a community, even the town reject calls him a perversion of nature. Vulnerable, almost baby like UN-developed human in a full grown mans body. We are allowed in to Edwards strange, yet exciting new world where we experience in his judging people of his new found society. Hes so called friends. They Judge him on by the way he acts, it doesnt help that he was isol ated for so long, and was taught things for a different era it wasnt his fault. Edward is Judged a lot also by the way he perversion of nature.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Ghandi Speech Essay
To what extent does Gandhi use relatively plain syntax, expressing ethos and pathos, to appeal to a larger audience. The forfeit India dialect was given by Mahatma Gandhi on August 8th of 1942. Let me explain my position clearly, Gandhi said, to begin his first point. He uses very simple syntax when giving this speech because he wants his points to be made more clearly. Throughout the whole speech, Gandhis speaks using very basic language, hence appealing to a much larger audience, of people rather than a select few. Gandhi uses ethos and pathos in order to captivate and enthrall his audience. Gandhi said I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa in all that I am saying and doing today. He addresses the audience using you to strive everything more direct and personal. Ethos and pathos is also apply throughout this speech to gain credibility of the people, motivating them into combineing the Quit India movement he is advertising.It is to join a struggl e for such democracy that I invite you today., Gandhi said. The power, when it comes, will belong to the people to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed and entrusted. Promoting carnal knowledge and rejecting dictatorship are the two biggest topics Gandhi is trying to support in this speech. And that is why the above excerpt is such an important sentence to the speech. Another strategy Ghandi compound was the repetition of the word we throughout the whole speech. This was to designate that he is the voice of the people of India, not merely voicing out his own individual opinion. We must(prenominal) get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. When giving a speech, it is crucial to know who your intended audience is.That way it will cave in it easier for you to persuade them since you know what they are about. Mahatma Ghandi used this indication in order to persuade his audience and made his sp eech meaningful. In Quit India, he used simple sentences and being more informal in order to tear and keep the audience attention. Overall, the power of speech is so incredible and can continue more than just the intended audience. But in order for that to occur, the speaker must choose their words wisely, not just jotting down everything that comes to intellectual when given a topic. Not everyone wants to read something that is serious and not everyone is literate, especially during the time Mahatma Ghandi was delivering this speech. Therefore, putting together anddelivering this speech was important in order to attract people from all different ethnicities and political views. Quit India was not just a speech intended for a select audience, but it is a speech intended for every human being to hear and interpret in their own way. That is the genius of Gandhis basic, yet meaninful, and relatable, syntax used through this speech.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Career Development Plan Part Iv â⬠Compensation Essay
Now that we have structured our new team, identified their roles, identified ways to manage their proceeding and created an appraisal system we atomic number 18 now proposing a new compensation plan. This part will outline the plan, describe how it will alleviate motivate employee performance, describe our full(a) rewards program and outline how this program will benefit the individual and InterClean. direct Executive Financial requital Plan Compensation structures can be broken down into two distinct categories, fiscal and non-financial (Cascio, 2006).This section overviews the financial compensation plan for account administrators, which let ins pay and benefits. Account executive pay will be primarily fit out based. Each account executive will attain a base honorarium at minimum wage, with the rest of their salary coming from commission. We facial expression that a generous commission structure will motivate performance because pay will have a direct correlation with gross revenue volume. We structured our proposed commission plan to reflect InterClean new strategic direction (University of Phoenix, 2007), and how employees are rated in their quarterly appraisal.This means a focus on retention, up-selling and volume. Account executives will receive 8% commission on sales for the first six-months of revenue. 10% commission on sales after six-months of continuous revenue. 13% commission on sales after one-year of continuous revenue. 13% commission on up-sells and account executives that meet their quarterly sales volume will also receive a bonus equaling 3% of total revenue earned. New Business Account Executive, The New Business Account Executive has different goals, and therefore a different pay scale will apply.He or she will receive a base salary of $30,000 per year, plus a 3% quarterly commission on revenues earned from the accounts he or she acquired. We feel that this structure will adequately reflect the disparity between new account acq uisition and account retention. Cumulatively, the maximum amount of commission paid on revenues to account executives would be 19%. In tie in to the benefits Account Executives will receive the standard benefits due to all InterClean employees, including Health Insurance with employee share of cost 401k match 14 days paid spend 6 days sick time Health, Financial, Stress and Motivational Counseling through our employee wellness program. Managerial Financial Compensation Plan The managerial financial compensation plan will focus on overall team performance. We feel that creating a plan that rewards managers for team performance helps ensure managements focus on creating a strong team that meets financial objectives. Managers will receive a base salary dependent on their pay grade, ranging from $50,000 yearly for the solution expert and $65,000 annually for the sales manager.The rest of their salary will be based on team performance as 3% commission on total revenues per quarter of all account executives that have met his or her goal, and 2% on total revenues per quarter if all account executives meet their goals. We feel that paying based on meeting objectives, and sharing in total revenues accomplishes two important things such as rewards managers who ensure account executives meet their goals by providing the tools and support they need. And it encourages over-achieving by not setting a limit on revenue sharing.In terms of the benefits, managerial employees share in the aforementioned benefits, and are given one additional week of paid vacation (five days) per year. As mentioned, compensation does not only include financial compensation there are certain non-financial rewards that motivate employee performance, change magnitude loyalty and decrease turnover. The following non-financial rewards were chosen based on a survey conducted in the United Kingdom (Employee Benefits, 2006) as additional perks for employees. Sales Employees, All sales employees ar e eligible the following reward package flexible working arrangements.Employees can work at sign when appropriate on dates arranged between them and their manager. Flexible work time is the top-rated non-financial reward in the UK survey (Employee Benefits, 2006) and offering such an arrangement can increase productivity by diminishing stress caused by work-life conflicts. And corporate gym membership also ranked high on the survey, and using our corporate back down to offer a free membership not only encourages wellness, but exercise has countless benefits such as stress relief, increased creativity, and energy. Also, we will include employee discount at restaurants.Using the promise of higher volume by internally promoting local restaurants to our employees, HR has arranged for employee discounts at local restaurants. This benefit decreases the be of lunch for our employees and gives them another reason to value InterClean. Managerial Rewards, The following rewards are availabl e to managers in addition to the preceding rewards available to all employees such as use of company vehicle Surprisingly, the UK survey listed sports car as company vehicle as the number one benefit they dont receive but wish they had (Employee Benefits, 2006, para4. . Company gas card, not only should our sales manager ride in prestige, but we understand that the majority of driving they do benefits our company, so they also have use of our company gas card. The compensation and rewards system outlined in this plan are geared to motivate performance by tying pay directly to the revenue gained for InterClean. Our new strategy of focusing on solution-based selling (University of Phoenix, 2007) means we must grow retention, up selling, and total volume.This plan rewards all three by reducing the base pay of account executives, increasing commission and tiering commission based on retention and up selling. We reward achievers and not low-performers. Tying managerial pay directly to th e performance of the team rewards good managers (Vigoda-Gadot & Angert, 2007. ) Finally, offering a substantial but not as well high base pay takes into account fluctuating economic and environmental constraints. whirl bonuses quarterly rather than annual avoids penalizing employees for one bad quarter, which can go on to even the best sales person.Finally, our reward system is built to make InterClean a great place to work, that values the employees well-being and offers perks as part of the job. Offering this reward system can help InterClean retain the best possible account executives and managers (Cascio, 2006). Because we offer competitive pay and creative rewards that ease the work-life conundrum, and add a certain level of prestige to those who work for InterClean.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Should Fred Hire Mimi Despite Her Online History?
In this case We Googled You, googling candidates before hiring often takes place in many companies. Sometimes populations online histories revealed by googling affect hiring decisions of employers. Fred Westen, the CEO of Hathaway Jones, a luxury appeal retailer, is looking for a candidate who can lead flagship stores successfully in China. Fred met Mimi Brewster and ruling that she fits the position because she had grown up in China and she speaks both Mandarin and a local dialect. Mimi graduated from Berkeley University as a cum laude, and majored in moderne Chinese history.Hathaway Jones needs creative employees like Mimi who can renovate the image and product line of the keep company. Fred knows that the brand image of the company is getting old stiff according to the firms market research. However, the Vice President of HR, Virginia Flanders googled Mimi and found her online information related to protest activities against China. She opposes hiring Mimi because Mimi might get the company into a move in the future. If Fred ingests Mimi, the company leave alone have a leader who is aggressively creative but potentially risky.On the other hand, if Fred does not adopt her, the company can avoid the potential risk but miss a great candidate. Should Fred utilize the candidate? From my perspective, Fred Western should talk to Mimi to explain her protest activities, and hire Mimi if the potential risk related the online history can be preventable. He should clarify her point of view about her past protest involvements and how those views have changed sort of than making a judgment only from digital information. Online information can be easily falsified so it is important to clarify the situation.If her opinions toward China have changed in positive ways, potential risk can be removed by posting her current point of view on the online. Executives who take responsibility to hire employees should pay more attention to candidates potential job abilities t han focusing too much on an individuals online presence. Important hiring standards should focus on what they provide do and how they can handle problems in the future rather than what they already did in the past. Freds instinct tells him that letting Mimi go to a competitor will be a catastrophe to Hathaway Jones because of her potentials.He cannot realize his ambitious plan to expand on Chinas luxury goods market with only mint who always play safe. John G. Palfreys article, Should Fred Hire Mimi Despite Her Online History (p. 42), says that there is no reason to fear bringing Mimi in based on the results of a Google search. Legal issue may arise only if Hathaway Jones discriminates against Mimi. Palfrey argues that if CEOs argon looking only for people who are total saints, then maybe they are hiring only uninteresting people at the end of the day. I agree that hiring standards of Virginia have to be revised.Otherwise, companies may miss young great candidates. The young gener ation called digital natives share much more information on the Internet than the older generation called digital immigrants, who have not plunged themselves into digital environments. If CEOs only hire people who do not have online histories, the companies will suffer from a lack of leaders in the future. Coutu, D. (2007) We Googled You. Harvard care Review, pp. 37-41. Palfrey, J. (2007). Should Fred Hire Mimi Despite Her Online History? Harvard Business Review, p. 42.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Wall switches and light fixtures in a building
The wall switches come in various shapes and designs, exactly they generally consist of a metal conducting plate and Insulating plates to cover It. wall switches are constructed of metal faceplates that is to be made out of ferrous metals not less than 0. 76 mm in thickness or non ferrous metals not less than 1. 2 mm In thickness, and the insulating tace plates are made out ot an insulating non burnable material not less than 2. 54 mm in thickness (NFPA 2011 The lax fixtures of the place commonly etermines the location of the switch to help get the most efficient excitement for the place. For residential places, all the suite light fixtures must be on a 15-amp roundabout. A wall switch has to be fit(p) near every room entry door and a receptacle has to be found every 12 feet to help operate non permanent light fixtures that cannot be operated by a switch.Closets shall have one bollock covered fixture operated by a wall switch. Bathrooms require special moisture resistant li ght fixtures due to its damp environment also the fixtures should be covered with lenses or globes and one 20- mp circuit for bathroom outlets only (thiele, 2010). In the presence of a laundry room, the washer and dryer should have their man-to-man 20 circuit and in case of electric dryer an Independent 240-volt circuit shall be used.The kitchen Is commonly the place with the highest number of appliances all over the home. thus it requires Its own 15-amp circuit for the excitement. Stairways needs proper lighting fixtures, a switch, mostly three-way switch, Is to be placed at the top and bottom of the stair and at every mould if necessary Hallways requires three-way switches at the two ends of the ay and four-way switches near every door throughout the hallway, hallways over 10 feet long requires a mlnlmum ot one outlet for general purposes (NFPA, 2011).Basements and garages is recommended to have three-way switches amongst doors and a minimum of 1 outlet is required. Outdoor li ghting fixtures of a building have to be protected trom weather tactors and any other exterior tactors by sealing the wires and having underground cables. Outdoor lighting shall has to be highly effcient and controlled by a switch In addition to a sensor to turn off the lights during daytime for energy saving purposes
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Ethics of Welfare and Government Assistance
Patrick Cassidy PHL 215 3/23/10 Ethics of Welfare and Government Assistance When the topic of welfare is brought into an good intelligence ab expose undivideds would sure as shooting see it as an ethical displace that genuinely helps those in deal. This is true to an extent, hardly is it possible that welfare does more harm than good? Most would argue that the hand out of specie to those less fortunate is being soci in ally responsible. The question that drives this ethical issue is where does social responsibility mop up and personal responsibility pick up?This question is difficult to answer because every family in need is in a discordent situation. Government benefits are supposed to be used as a crutch for families to get back on their feet, hardly about twenty percent of all families receiving welfare curb on the program for more than five years. textbibliography-mark This is the base of ethical issues surrounding judicature economic aid and social responsibilit y for the needy. Many individuals believe that receiving a government hand-out allows people to become satisfied with being on welfare.If programs like intellectual nourishment stamps and welfare arent effective, they are essentially a black seafarer for the tax dollars of working Ameri locoweeds. at that place is no denying the fact that thither are needy families out on that point who are so devoid that they need aid, but it is nearly impossible to separate the depravers from the desperate. It is for this reason many an(prenominal) arguments can be made for both cheeks of government tending. The most common question is, how far should a governments social responsibility stretch? The issuing of government benefits derived from tax dollars is a fast ethical dilemma that has both social and economical repercussions. textbibliography-mark The first way to look at this problem from an ethical and moral point of view would be from the mental egoist perspective. An egoist is a person who believes all that things in moral issues are the elements that deal with self. They are believers that all peoples decisions in life are found on selfishness. and then, if welfare were a charity, rather than a government run program, the psychological egoists of the world probably would most likely not contribute.On the other side of the coin, psychological egoism would suggest that all people who qualify for government benefits would try to collect these benefits. That is where psychological egoism falls short of defining exactly how humans behave. Social stigmas associated with government assistance keeps slightly individuals from applying. This shows that selfishness takes a backseat to pride and dignity when placed against these moral values. The real problem with government programs like welfare, food stamps, and free lunch is that the line between assistance and benefits is very dull.For example, a man who makes enough specie to agree his family may lock qua lify for welfare. If the person wholly spends their welfare checks on alcohol, cigarettes, and gambling is it truly helping them prosper? The reality is that every person has different tolerance for assistance. Welfare that may sense like warranted assistance for one family could be seen as excess unearned benefits for a different family. That is where the psychological egoism perspective of all actions being driven by self-interest falls apart. It also does not hold up against thoughts of compassion.If all people lacked compassion in their actions the United States government would have never been able to pass a bill to create welfare and other tax-dollar funded assistance programs. textbibliography-mark There is another ethical theory that is based on people acting on self-interest, it is titled ethical egoism. There are three different types of ethical egoism however, only two are substantial theories on moral behaviors. The first is Individual ethical egoism. Individual ethi cal egoists believe that they should only act in self-interest, and that other around them should act out of their self-interest as salubrious.This is the definition of being solely selfish, not only are you only looking out for yourself, but you expect others to help you on the way as hygienic. In regards to government assistance, these people would likely complain about paying taxes for these programs, but also are very likely to indirect request to use and abuse them. Another type of ethical egoism that exists is called universal ethical egoism. The main belief behind universal egoism remains the uniform as that of individual egoism individuals should only act out of their own self-interest.Where these two types of egoism differ is that universal egoism suggests that all people should act in a selfish manner, removing all selfless acts from society. If this type of egoism really described the actions of all people, it is likely most people would favor the individual egoism theory, for they would thirst to have everybody acting for their personal interests. Both of these types of egoism dont construct a realistic grasp of the American society when dealing with government assistance. These egoists would surely all desire government benefits, but they would have no desire to give back to the community.If everybody were solely out for themselves, there would be no government assistance because working tax-payers would refuse to fund such a thing. Therefore those that believe in egoism are likely against government assistance programs, but are prosperous to reap the benefits if they qualify. The essential opposite to egoism is known as utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is based on the idea of morality revolving around creating the most good for the most people. When it comes to decision making surrounding utilitarianism actions are based on the consequences that will ensue from the action.When this type of thinking is applied to the government assistance problem, utilitarians would surely side with providing those in need with as much as possible. This is a difficult position, because the abusers of these programs are still going to be allowed to collect, but if allowing these programs to operate helps the most people, then utilitarians will be supportive of them. This theory on moral behavior is most definitely not an accurate facsimile of how society actually treats the poor and needy.Most people would only like to assist individuals if they are confirmatory that they are desperate. The thought of people abusing the system drives many people to criticize it. People are greedy, and want to make sure all their money is being spent the way they desire. Therefore, the amount of people who support utilitarianism is the reason that these government assistance programs have been established. Greed and egoism are the reason that these programs are dysfunctional in many ways. textbibliography-mark Who is at fault for those who require assistance?The egoists would argue that if one acts solely on self-interest and still comes up empty, they have to sleep on the bed they have made. Utilitarianism argues the substitute opposite all people as humanity are responsible for helping out separately other. Since greed and materialism dominates American culture, it would be safe to say the egoists are winning this battle. Furthermore, by allowing abuse of government assistance programs it only advances the egotistical belief that the world is every man for themselves and to take all benefits possible.This is what drives most complaints within the system, the government not doing a good enough job of regulating these assistance programs. The issuing of government assistance is an ethical issued because it deals with multiple different opinions on the matter all based on morals. People who believe that every family should have to earn everthing they receive are basing this reasoning saturnine egoism. Those who feel that it is the duty of society to help those in need are basing their reasoning off of utilitarianism.The issues that most people bring up within the government assistance programs are that they are not managed and policed well enough. This is not a moral issue rather just issues of the government not doing all it can to make sure the right people are receiving assistance. Another reason that people have a large problem with assistance is because the government is in charge of it, and some people will go against anything that is government run. For these people there is no purpose in reasoning, they simply believe the government is out to get us all.The main reason people have such strong opinions on this matter is because those who work likely envision portions of their check being mailed to people who dont crimson attempt to land a job. This is what creates the social stigma associated with government assistance. In this day and age a country as prominent and developed as the United Sta tes must look out for their impoverished population. The assistance programs offered may not have all the kinks worked out and may not be well liked by everybody, but there is no denying that these programs are helping more than they are hurting. whole works Cited
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Prohibition and Gangsters Essay
Cheap labour force due to continuous immigration pre WWI, including unenlightened labour Onset of WWI and Americas late entry Reaction to WWI & After Set up the League of Nations, but did not join and chose to fol funky an isolationist policy Entered late into the war so therefore had a plentiful supply of goods, and no physical damage on American priming coat Availability of natural resources e. g. oil, coal, wood, iron Sold supplies to fighting countries during the war, as well as loans Economies in atomic number 63 were struggling to rebuild, allowing America to take over as the worlds largest producer of products such as fertilisers.Technological advances made mechanisation, creation of plastic Economic Management Limited government intervention individualistic, with low taxes & few regulations encouraged economic growth in businesses Rugged individualism, belief that spate succeeded with their own hard work Tariffs introduced to protect the US preservation import duties on goods to the USA, along with a reduction in income tax place to allow mountain to spend more on American goods Introduction of new labor methods the conveyor belt, which sped up production rates and increased profits. naked as a jaybird materials introduced such as plastics and glass, helping create buildings such as skyscrapers Wages increased along with profits, more multitude could spend more on decimater luxuries Electrical power made widesp watch, usage of oil doubled state were confident and now prepared to buy American goods and invest in the American economy prosperity was a right, not a privilege people encouraged to spend Return to isolationism The US economy was increasingly protected by government intervention in the forms of tariffs Quota system for immigration, closing the Open Doors policy.The smash & Industries that benefited Motor industry, building works, stock market Advertising increased massively to fuel consumerism Low inflation, low unemployment, low interest rates meant that people could afford to buy luxuries Hire purchase introduced to allow bonnie earners to spend on luxuries Stock market share prices rose steadily during the 1920s, until in 1928 where it suddenly rocketed set-back of speculation, people willing to buy shares using loans Motor industry Car production relied on early(a) industries such as steel, petrol, glass and rubber.Techniques such as the assembly line lowered costs of production, reservation cars more affordable Increase in purchase of cars led to more roads being built, as well as hotels/restaurants which were now reachable Construction industry similarly benefited from the introduction of new materials, as well as greater demand for factories, buildings etc. Transport services as more was invested into groundwork such as roads, allowing buses to become putting green, as well as commercial flights Introduction of de percentment stores, where people helped themselves to goods.Suffering industries C oal, Railway, Textiles (Cotton/wool), Agriculture Old industries such as coal mining began to be in contestation with oil * Cars began to take over the railway transport system, lessening the need for coal Advancement in technology meant less workers were needed for mining - unemployment begins Mines began to close down Textiles industries began to face competition when tariffs were lowered New materials such as rayon meant that old textiles fell out of favour in terms of cost and efficacy in production Changes in fashion (short dresses etc.) meant less textiles were needed WWI led to farmers choosing to produce more, and this rate of production continued into the 1920.While they benefited during WWI, consumption began to decrease as Europe began to recover and stopped relying on American produce, but there was already excess production Technologies such as tractors helped to increase production rates Farmers were therefore forced to sell their goods at a lower cost, and they refu sed to lower their production rates as they were unsure that other farmers would do the same.Many farmers became the poorest paid workers in the US and many had to borrow capital to pay their mortgages, or face eviction and unemployment Society in the 1920s Women Position of women pre 1917 included hold unemployment, limited social positions (accompanied by chaperones), no role in politics as well as being expected to adhere to dress standards After 1917 as the US entered WWI, women were employed to work in the heavy industry and for the first time went out by themselves, smoked and drank in public voter turnout given in 1920.Consumer luxuries such as vacuums led to more women having leisure time Introduction of the Flappers women who challenged tralatitious attitudes, and were mainly middle and upper class Leisure Newspapers & magazines fuelled consumption, as more people wanted to read about the latest issues and famous people Sport also took over, becoming a focus of newspape rs, magazines as well as radio shows. Sporting figures such as Babe Ruth also challenged tralatitious society, where he was seen smoking and drinking in public.Cinema visiting the cinema became popular as part of family life, especially with the introduction of talkies, and sex became a popular focus for movies. Cinemas were refurbished and several film studios were founded Radio premier(prenominal) radio station started in 1920 (KDKA), with many more soon to come. Radio enabled people to listen to blank events, music, advertisements and entertainment. Jazz the jazz age, when jazz became popular, especially with the flappers despite its African American origins Prohibition and Gangsters drinkable was largely believed to be hindering work efficiency, as well as being the cause of trouble, including in religion, leading to a ban on alcoholic drink People were driven to the black market to consume alcohol, including speakeasies which relied on corruption by paying off law enforceme nt officers Smuggling of alcohol also became common (rum running), and some doctors provided medicinal whiskey Some of the illegally brewed alcohol was not checked and this led to poisoned alcohol This led to the rise in organised crime, or gangsterism, with one notable figure being Al Capone Chicagos speakeasies, bookmakers, nightclubs etc.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Scarlet Letter
Amy Sheehan Mr. Frye English 11 Honors 3 February 2012 Clever Title The physical and emotional strain resulting from raise out of wedlock seems to be an al near unbearable burden. In Nathaniel Hawthornes The reddish earn, Hester Prynne, and her daughter bead deal with the emotional abuse from her townshipspeople because of an affair with Dimmesdale. All of the harassment takes place in a sm every(prenominal) in each(prenominal) town in Boston, Massachusetts. In Hawthornes The cherry Letter, the reoccurring image of a circle/ flying field probes the thought that humanity is following a cycle of cruelty that has neer been broken.The use of actual objects to disclose the ensample of closing off reoccurs often. Isolation plays a key factor in The Scarlet Letter, usually creation hinted at with assistance from the image of a circle or sphere. In more or less instances, the cycle of closing off appears in nature Did the sun, which sh peerlessness so brightly everywhere else, really nightfall upon him? Or, was there, as it rather seemed, a circle of ominous shadow moving a presbyopic with his deformity, whichever way he turned himself. (172). The sunlight refuses to fall directly on Chillingworth because of his impure body structure.The shadow casting off of him foreshadows the death he forget later manifestation. Nature isolates Chillingworth because he seems to be dark creature. Hawthorne does non beneficial use circles and spheres in nature, he also uses them through Hesters other possessions. Pear also plays a per centum in the reoccurring closing off symbol. But she names the infant ivory (85). In the beginning, Hester was isolated because of her sin. As the book goes on, she realizes that society continues to cast a facial expression not scarcely her, but her daughter as well. A pearl represents a small spheric object grown in the comfort of an oysters mouth.In essence that is exactly what gather is. The l hotshotsome(prenominal) lif e she has receiptn is one of complete standoffishness from the rest of society. If someone shows her kindness, or acceptance, she would not know how to react. Shes been raised to think isolation is normal. Her mother on the other hand go forth neer quite get used to the harsh reality of what shes done While Hester stood in that misrepresentation circle of ignominy where the cunning cruelty of her sentence seem to have fixed her forever (242). The astonishing capability of the townspeople to shun a completely innocent woman is the pattern of humanity.Mankind has always been improbably cruel to the people who least deserve it. Hesters humility and strength is show constantly passim the book. The invariable essence of cruelty is, and always has been, a big part of society. Not only atomic number 18 objects used to portray isolation, people be also used. With every mention of a circle/sphere, the patterns of isolation continue to show up. They now felt themselves, at least, inhabitants of the same sphere (186). Hawthorne uses the relationship amid Hester and Dimmesdale to designate the point of the cruel unfair ways of humanity.The well liked man gets away with absolutely no judgment, while the lower class woman gets all the hatred and punishment. While these twain people are so diversely seen in society, they formed a completely foutlaw(a) creation that gets torn aside by the isolation of the town Pearl looked as beautiful as the day, but was in one of those moods of perverse merriment which, whenever they occurred, seemed to remove her entirely out of the sphere of sympathy or human middleman (130). Pearl has entered her own circle of regardency. She depends on her mom and herself.Society has shut her out completely, just because shes associated with Hester. Which makes one think how would this child be looked at if she were to be associated with her father, Dimmesdale. With Pearl having a father as a saint, and a mother as a sinner, gave Pearl a very narrow chance of ridding this pattern of isolation. Although society didnt bear down on Dimmesdale, his guilty conscience is what got to him. The very contiguity of his enemy, under whatever mask the latter might conceal himself, was enough to disturb the magnetic sphere of a being so sensitive as Arthur Dimmesdale (189).The cruel patterns of humanity dont always puzzle from other people. Ones worst enemy is ones self. His cruel ways of emotionally and physically tormenting himself were just another isolation tactic. He isolated himself from everyone emotionally because he felt as if the unfathomed was fashion down on his soul. No matter whom you are, or how godly you are, you will always fall a victim to the cruel ways of humanity. The main person being singled out by the people is Hester Prynne. Her ability to bounce back and still have a love for the people who have been ridiculing her for 7 age is unbelievable.Although her humility is great, the cycle of isolation wi ll not be broken As was usually the part wherever Hester stood, a small vacant reach- a sort of magic circle- had formed itself about her (230) Her study alone gives her this kind of innate ability to after awhile isolate herself. In some move of the book Hester even tries to isolate herself, from herself She had flirted fanci richly with her own image in a pool of water, beckoning the shadower forth, and as it declined to venture- seeking a passage for herself into its sphere of impalpable earth and unattainable sky (173).The only thing keeping her back from complete and total freedom is her mindset. Her mind is so isolated from most other people that it would just be hard for her to even think about being part of a crowd again. The only thing keeping her somewhat part of a society greater than herself is her daughter. The light lingered about the lonely child, as if glad of such a playmate, until her mother had drawn more or less high enough to step into the magic circle too (180). These ii are isolated together. They depend on each other provided lead completely different lives.Society bonded them together in isolation, yet in their own little circles, they isolate themselves from each other. The cycle of isolation with humanity has never sooner been broken. Although it may appear to be an easy pattern to break, there is always someone or some kind of possession that will be thrown to the side and isolated from the rest of society. The patterns occur in this book through objects, people, and Hester. Dont underestimate the power of isolation, it can make you do things you would never dream of doing. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York, NY Tom Doherty Associates, 1989. PrintScarlet LetterIn Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter the fib takes place in prissy America where the modern Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is penalise on the primer of what the town thinks is right. She is simultaneously a part of the town and is also pushed away from it. Hawthorne explores the proposition of liminality among society and nature through the motif of setting to charter the isolation that comes with sin. The sustain (where Hester stands to face her consequences), Hester and Pearls cottage, and the hurt are all examples of setting that all contain elements of liminality in The Scarlet Letter.Hester stands on the scaffold during the day to fulfill the consequences of her sin. She brings Pearl with her as she is the product of the sin. While the town has knowl environ of what she has done they are still unaware of who took part in this crime with her. They stood in the midday of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets and the morning time that shall unite all who get to one another. (135). They is referring to Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale the towns minister who, the reader now knows, fathered unsalted Pearl.The light and dark imaging indicates the limina l state in the midst of the iii of them and the rest of the town, The light that is to reveal all secrets. The scaffold also shows a liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale, and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between those two. (135) When the three of them are on the scaffold together it shows the unity between them, but also a side that shows they are not fully united with one another. All the taking into custody of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him. (134). The passage dread of public exposure represents the guilt and fear Dimmesdale has about revealing the secret in his sin. This is what shows the liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale they sinned together, however only one of them will publically take province for this action. This indicates that while there is a clear connection between the two of them (Pearl) the dread of public exposure creates a distance between them. Hester and Pear l are also, as another consequence, forced to live in a ottage on the edge of the town, isolated from the rest of society. This plays as a symbolic representation of liminality because the two of them are stuck in the theatre of operations between lawful society and lawless nature. It straggled onward into the mystery of the original forest. This hemmed it in so narrowly, and stood so black and dense on either side, and disclosed such irregular glimpses of the sky above, that, to Hesters mind, it imaged not imperfectly the clean wilderness in which she had so long been roam. It is said that Hester is recognizing her moral wilderness which further explains how she is not a real part of the Puritanical town but she is wandering within the in-between area of lawful society and lawless nature. Near the end of the story Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl all stand together at the brook. Dimmesdale and Hester have just decided to move to Europe and in conclusion be together where no wil l know of their previous sinful actions. Pearl stands on one side on the brook by herself, solemnly watching Hester and Dimmesdale who are on the opposite side. This brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again (182). As Hester and Dimmesdale are together there is a clear liminal state between the two of them and Pearl, the words boundary between two worlds indicates the increasing distance created. Hester and Dimmesdale talk about being absolved and rid of the sin Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubtfulness that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined (180). If Hester and Dimmesdale are rid of their sin, then they will be pushing Pearl away with it, because she is the physical symbol of the sin.In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. Hawthor ne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. Liminality is shown through settings such as the scaffold, the cottage, and the brook. All places that created a drawing distance between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. In the end, all of the three are mazed in the middle area between lawful society and the lawless world of nature.Scarlet LetterIn Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. She is simultaneously a part of the town and is also pushed away from it. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. The scaffold (where Hester stands to face her consequences), Hester and Pearls cottage, and the brook are all examples of setting that all co ntain elements of liminality in The Scarlet Letter.Hester stands on the scaffold during the day to fulfill the consequences of her sin. She brings Pearl with her as she is the product of the sin. While the town has knowledge of what she has done they are still unaware of who took part in this crime with her. They stood in the noon of that strange and solemn splendor, as if it were the light that is to reveal all secrets and the daybreak that shall unite all who belong to one another. (135). They is referring to Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale the towns minister who, the reader now knows, fathered young Pearl.The light and dark imagery indicates the liminal state between the three of them and the rest of the town, The light that is to reveal all secrets. The scaffold also shows a liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale, and little Pearl, herself a symbol, and the connecting link between those two. (135) When the three of them are on the scaffold together it shows the unity betw een them, but also a side that shows they are not fully united with one another. All the dread of public exposure, that had so long been the anguish of his life, had returned upon him. (134). The passage dread of public exposure represents the guilt and fear Dimmesdale has about revealing the secret in his sin. This is what shows the liminal state between Hester and Dimmesdale they sinned together, however only one of them will publically take responsibility for this action. This indicates that while there is a clear connection between the two of them (Pearl) the dread of public exposure creates a distance between them. Hester and Pearl are also, as another consequence, forced to live in a ottage on the edge of the town, isolated from the rest of society. This plays as a symbolic representation of liminality because the two of them are stuck in the area between lawful society and lawless nature. It straggled onward into the mystery of the primeval forest. This hemmed it in so narrow ly, and stood so black and dense on either side, and disclosed such imperfect glimpses of the sky above, that, to Hesters mind, it imaged not amiss the moral wilderness in which she had so long been wandering. It is said that Hester is recognizing her moral wilderness which further explains how she is not a real part of the Puritanical town but she is wandering within the in-between area of lawful society and lawless nature. Near the end of the story Hester, Dimmesdale, and Pearl all stand together at the brook. Dimmesdale and Hester have just decided to move to Europe and finally be together where no will know of their previous sinful actions. Pearl stands on one side on the brook by herself, solemnly watching Hester and Dimmesdale who are on the opposite side. This brook is the boundary between two worlds, and that thou canst never meet thy Pearl again (182). As Hester and Dimmesdale are together there is a clear liminal state between the two of them and Pearl, the words boundary between two worlds indicates the increasing distance created. Hester and Dimmesdale talk about being absolved and rid of the sin Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined (180). If Hester and Dimmesdale are rid of their sin, then they will be pushing Pearl away with it, because she is the physical symbol of the sin.In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter the story takes place in Puritanical America where the young Hester Prynne, after committing adultery is punished on the basis of what the town thinks is right. Hawthorne explores the theme of liminality between society and nature through the motif of setting to convey the isolation that comes with sin. Liminality is shown through settings such as the scaffold, the cottage, and the brook. All places that created a drawing distance between Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale. In the end, all of the three are lost in the middle area between lawful society and the lawless world of nature.
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