Friday, January 31, 2020

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of Womens Mindset About Plastic Surgery Essay Based on Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia stated that beauty is a value that related to emotional aspect that mean vitality, fertility, health, happiness, goodness, and love. â€Å"Beauty is commonly defined as a characteristic present in objects, such as nature, art work, and a human person, that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, joy, and satisfaction to the observer, through sensory manifestations such as shape, color, and personality. Beauty thus manifested usually conveys some level ofharmony amongst components of an object† (New World Encyclopedia). Thomas Aquinas (1225 1274), wrote on the essence of beauty. He thought that beauty was the result of three prerequisites: wholeness (lat. integritas) or perfection, harmony (lat. proportio) and clarity or brightness† (Pentti Rautio, 2007). For many centuries, people and philosophers have expressed their definition of beauty. They show their own argument with different definition. However, nowadays we can not get the really means of beauty, because beauty has been lost over time. It just leaves a word ( Nancy Etcoff, 1999, p. 69). Everyone want to be beautiful, especially for women. They make themselves as beautiful as they can. For being beautiful, they have an icon to be followed. They use a Barbie dolls as a fashion icon because they think that Barbie is the image of beauty woman. Barbie has thin and tall body, flawless skin, long hair and big eyes. It shows that Barbie is perfect creature. Because of it, Barbie has affected a lot of women through its beauty. Barbie become the image of beauty by its history. Barbie is named by Ruth Handler which comes from his daughter’s name Barbara. Barbara is the same as another child that play with a toys but she always use a paper to make a dolls. During a trip to Europe with her child Barbara in 1956, Ruth Handler came across a German and found a doll called Bild Lilli. The Bild Lilli doll was very popular at that time, it was made based on a character in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Die Bild-Zeitung. In 1955, The Bild Lilli doll was initially sold to adults and became popular with children who enjoyed dressing up. On her return to the United States, Ruth Handler tried to redesign the Bird Lilly doll with help from Jack Ryan that works as an engineer. Moreover, the doll that was redesign by Ruth handler was given a new name ‘Barbie’, after Ruth Handler’s daughter Barbara. The Barbie doll made its first debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959. This date is also used as Barbie’s birthday. The Bird Lilli doll production was stopped in 1964 and the first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail. The doll was marketed as a â€Å"Ten-age Fashion Model† with her clothes created by Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese home workers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production. Barbie was the first toy that has a marketing strategy on television advertising. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold out in over 150 countries and every second three Barbie dolls are sold. Barbie products include not only the range of dolls with their clothes and accessories, but also a large range of Barbie branded goods such as books, apparel, cosmetics and video games. Barbie has appeared in a series of animated films and is a supporting character in â€Å"Toy Story 2† and â€Å"Toy Story 3†. Barbie has been given honors and become cultural icon that is rare in the toy world. In 1974 a section of Times Square in New York City was renamed Barbie Boulevard for a week. In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th birthday. The celebrations included a runway show in New York for the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week and others event that used Barbie as the icon (James Penn, 2001). Barbie became a popular toy in America and the figure that was used by Mattel dolls and accessories. For five years, Barbie has been an important part of toy fashion doll market. However, behind its popularity, Barbie also became controversies because its life style. From a young age, children play with toys like Barbie dolls and burly action figures, with bodies that are physically impossible to achieve. Exposure to these â€Å"ideals† is damaging to the self-esteem of youths† (MelodyBee, 2008). Usually, most of children play Barbie, especially for girls. They make Barbie as beautiful as they can. However, playing a Barbie doll can give bad influence for children. The Barbie’s clothes or the other things in Barbie’s world have affected the girls who playing Barbie think how importance of physical appearance. Barbie has affected them in terms of fashion. They be dressed precocious because the influence of Barbie. Without realizing it, they are growing-up skipper. According to Marilyn Ferris Motz, he suggested, â€Å"Barbie has other messages for us and that the doll’s influence is more problematic, especially for children. † It means that Barbie has bad side effect for children. Not only children, but nowadays the girls or women also make Barbie as woman figure that they want. Because of the figure of Barbie and other figures of beauties, women are convinced to believe that one must look like these images to be beautiful. The easiest way to achieve this is by having plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is a type of surgery that can involve both women’s appearance and ability to function. Society today has influence women to believe that in order for a person to look beautiful, they must look like the images that are seen on television, in movies, and on the cover of magazines. Some of them are even willing to suffer in order to achieve their desired beauty. Although plastic surgery can improve women’s appearance, but it can induce a lot of detriments which may lead to dangerous risk, even death. From the description, I will analyze women’s mindset about plastic surgery.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Manhattan Project :: essays research papers

The Manhattan Project   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Winston Churchill, in 1949, was quoted to say that â€Å"the advent of the atomic bomb might prove to be the most beneficent development in history precisely because it will make war intolerable.† The interesting thing about nuclear war is that it is not merely a question of science, but one of morals and of the ethics of war. Surely, with a result so potentially catastrophic, no one within ethical boundaries could use it. I’m not sure whether Mr. Churchill had it right or if he underestimated the inherently wicked nature of human beings, but a question of equal importance must be posed first: where did it all start? To answer this question, we must predetermine what exactly it is. Let’s assume for the sake of study that it is the first atomic bomb and from that draw a conclusion that possesses a slightly better perspective. So, where did it all start? It started with a group of scientists and engineers that formed an organization called the M anhattan Project.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Manhattan Project was given almost unlimited funding by President Roosevelt and was really only a rented out school in Los Alamos, New Mexico where scientists began working on what was to be the first atomic bomb. Given it was a large camp with 6,000 sets of ears (that’s one set per person), security was obsessively tight. The General in charge of this project (General Leslie R. Groves) was very secretive and most of the scientists, technicians, and their families had no idea what it was they were working on. Perhaps the most intriguing thing was that there were 200,000 people nation wide working on some piece of this without a clue they were aiding the extermination of over 300,000 people. Over $2 billion was hidden from the public and snuck into the funding by President Roosevelt which could not have hurt the cause. This kind of spending is the reason why Germany and Japan never came close to developing the bomb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What would any study be without a dry outline of the costs involved? The total cost for WW2 in the U.S. was approximately $3.3 trillion, and about $20 billion of that was purely spent on the A-bomb (about $5 billion per bomb). It is worth noting that that cost only includes raw materials and not the cost for all of the scientists and technicians designing it.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


However, security, trust and convenience are among the major contending factors affecting the adoption of e-payment systems in Nigeria. This paper presents issues on the factors necessary to facilitate the development of PEPS Niger a and devise ways to enhance its adoption by users. Keywords: electronic payment system, e-money, and e-payment, Internet. 1. Introduction The worldwide proliferation of the Internet has led to the recent birth of electronic payment system : a payment service solution-software that enables monetary value to be transferred digitally.Today, electronic payment system s flourishing due to the openness, speed, anonymity, digitization, and global accessibility characteristics of the Internet [1 2], which has facilitated real-time payment transactions and the r business activities. In this paper, we considered some critical examinations on the existing payment structure in Nigeria. AY so reviewed, was different related literatures on e-payment system, and data fr om research reports. T chemical Journals, newspapers, and magazines were likewise examined.. 2.A Brief Review of the General Payment System in Nigeria In a country like Nigeria, where almost eighty percent of TTS population rely on physical cash rather than electronic payment, it is not so simple Just for people and employers of labor, to consider and decide on the basis of cost and benefit of using e-payment systems [2]. In the course of preparing this research, we had the opportunity of visiting few/remote places to find out the perception of the people about electronic money. It was observed that most people have no common knowledge about the Internet, let alone the existence of e-payments.People are quite far from all the CIT developments take Eng place in banking. What people know about banking is the use of physical cash for opposite and payment, but not electronic payments. The existing structure of the Nigerian payment system is fully based on traditional payment instruments of cash and cheeses [18]. Even for large-value payments, like sale and purchase of land and building, people prefer physical cash rather than receiving any other form of payment. This also applies to the general popular Zion. In businesses, people prefer using cheeses and drafts.Thus, Apex Bank (Central Bank of Nigeria – CAB) operates a clearing house, with many network centers for performing queue clearing throughout the country. The clearing house renders revives to the member banks and financial institutions only. Generally, all the banks and financial institutions are members of the clearing house. 2. 1 Electronic Payment Initiative in Nigeria Electronic Payment initiative began recently in Nigeria. Not all the banks and FL uncial institutions are participating in the e-payment system [11]. Although to date, most of the commercial I banks have engaged in providing some form of e-banking services.It is to be noted that not all of these institutions extend their e- banking facilities to their entire branch network. The e- payment services are mostly provided in the capital city ND some bigger cities nationwide. As mentioned, the e-payment facilities available in Nigeria are Automated Teller Machine (ATM) service, debit card, credit card, mobile banking and Internet banking [5]. Intertwines Nigeria Ltd provides the switching and settlement facilities for trans actions performed on ATM; and transact Nigh. Ltd provides mobile e-payment solutions switching and service provider.Banks purchased their software from different vendors to provide all these services to their customers. Authenticity, inter-operability, validity and confidence solely depend on the supplier of hat software [3]. However, the central bank of Nigeria and the supervisory authority of the Nigerian financial system, has thus initiated steps towards the regulation of electronic payment cyst ms in Nigeria [2]. Electronic payment system has also experienced a lot of setback in recent years due to limited availability of ATM services [5].These machines are only made available to few bank branches and clients, while the demand for the card is higher than the services provided. Infrastructure and Information Technology (IT) constraints also contributed to some of the setbacks experienced (such as: gig cost of internet connectivity, energy challenges, banks not fully automated, banks not ready for electronic payment services, and contentedness of people with the existing system because of lack of awareness on the benefit of the new technology [11]. CICS. Reapers/locals-9-2-1-462-467. Dif Facilitating the adoption of e-payment systems: theoretical constructs and empirical analysis Document Information: Title: analysis Author(s): Gives Г ¶azans, (Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey), Guyana Binaural, (Brunet University, Submerged, I-J), Ray Hackney, (Brunet University, Submerged, I-J) Citation: Gives Г ¶azans, Guyana Binaural, Ray Hackney, (2010) à ¢â‚¬Å"Facilitating the adoption of e- payment systems: theoretical constructs and empirical analysis†, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, Volvo. 23 Sis: 3, up. 05 – 325 Keywords: Electronic commerce, Payments, Risk, Trust Article type: Research paper DOE 10. 1108/17410391011036085 (Permanent URL) Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited Abstract: Purpose – The emergence of online transactions, enabled through internet media, has led to an increase in the availability of electronic payment (e-payment) systems. This research aims to investigate, through theoretical constructs (technology acceptance model, theory of reasoned action) and an empirical analysis, the critical factors that may ensure consumer adoption of these facilities.Design/methodology/ approach – This research study mainly uses the deductive approach to consider secondary sources and primary data, where hypotheses have been developed in order to demonstrate the findings. An init ial literature review revealed six issues that are considered critical for e-payment considerations. An anonymous and self- administered survey based on the research model was developed and e-mailed to he respondents. A total of 1 55 questionnaires were coded and analyses using SAPS to analyses the hypotheses.Advances in information technology and changes in laws, institutions and regulations in some countries have encouraged the emergence of new payment instruments as well as the delivery and processing arrangements for small and large value, time critical payments. With e commerce now in the mainstream of economic activities, we can therefore expect more major changes in the payment systems worldwide in the next five years than we have in the last five decades. Obviously, the e Philippines cannot escape from this sea change.This paper discusses key operational concepts involved in a payment system and describes the emerging payment systems in industrialized countries. This gives d eveloping countries, like the Philippines, a preview of the likely evolution of their payment systems in the next few years as they deepen the integration of their economies with the rest of the world. The paper gives a detailed description of the existing payment system in the Philippines and disc uses innovations in payments media, especially noncoms payment instruments, and facilities for the clearing and settlement of payments.Areas for improving the efficiency and reducing risks in existing payment system have been identified. Developments in the payment system have implications for the conduct of monetary policy. The second to the last section of this paper, therefore, deals with this issue. In particular, it discusses specific payment system innovations, such as the switch to ARTS system m and use of electronic payments media, that can enhance or attenuate the effectiveness of traditional monetary tools. The last section presents some recommendations.Key words: payment system ; electronic payment system; credit transfer; debit transfer; electronic money; transmission mechanism; seignior; queue clearing. President, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PITS). The author wishes to thank Dry. Vaccine Alden's, Jar. , member of the Monetary Board, and Mr.. Francisco P. Yap, Jar. , President of the Philippine Clearing House Corporation, for their insightful comments on the first draft of this paper. Thanks are also due to Mr.. Gill Olivarez Lime, Mr.. Francis vela, Mr.. Jerome A. Archangel, Mr.. Alton Offering, Ms. Carlisle Scintilla, and Mr..Joel A. Ramose for sharing their insights on how the payment system in the Philippines operates. The author s grateful to Ms. Sharon Theta Vital, Ms. Merle Galvan and Ms. Juanita Deletion for their excellent assistance in preparing this paper. The usual disclaimer applies. 2 INTRODUCTION It is commonly known that a country's infrastructure system determines to a large extent the efficiency of the economy. In a mod ern economy, the payment system I s a major component of the country's infrastructure system. Indeed, no country nowadays can afford to take its payment system for granted.Firms pay wages to their employees and purchase raw materials from their suppliers. In turn, they receive payments for the sale of their rodents and services. Consumers make payment transactions several times in a day. Needless to say, value is transferred among participants in the economy every minute of the day, and it increases as the economy grows. The country ‘s payment system, therefore, must be efficient so that funds can quickly move among market participants for productive use, thereby promoting more activities in the economy. According to Humphrey et al. 2000), the resource cost of a nation's payment sys tem can account for 3 percent of its GAP. Modernizing a country's payment system can certainly reduce that resource cost. Thus, while the country continues to spend on roads, bridges, power supply, etc. , it must not neglect to invest in its payment system m to improve the efficiency of economy, in general, and the financial system, in particular. Through the years, payment systems have considerably changed as forms of payment have evolved from precious metals to currency and checks and recently to electro ionic payments.These changes have been made because of the need to facilitate voluminous transactions occurring in rapidly growing and increasingly more sophisticated economies. Customers naturally seek the most efficient payment teeth, while providers of payment services normally seek the most profitable payments system. Advances in information technology and changes in laws, institutions and regulations in some countries have encouraged the emergence of new payment instruments as well as the delivery and processing arrangements for small and large value, time critical payments.With commerce now in the mainstream of economic activities, we can therefore expect more 3 major changes in the payment systems worldwide in the next five years than we have I n the last five decades. Obviously, the Philippines cannot escape from this sea change. Developments in the payment system have implications for the conduct of monetary policy. Well functioning financial markets can improve the effectiveness of Indore CT instruments of monetary policy because it is through these markets that the signal of monetary policy is transmitted to the intermediate and ultimate targets of the policy Monsoons et al. 998). The effective functioning of the financial market is, in turn, affected by the extent of the efficiency of the country's payment system. Also, rapid innovations taking place in the country's payment system can unpredictably alter the emend for and supply of money, thereby affecting the effectiveness of convene national monetary tools. Monetary authorities, therefore, cannot afford to be indifferent to the rapid innovations taking place in the payment system.A coun try's payment system, no matter how advanced and sophisticated, is not immune to risks. One part y in a payment transaction may not be able to receive or use the funds at a time when she needs them for another transaction for one reason or another (e. G. , fraud, bank closure, clearing and settlement failures, etc). More importantly, failure of one par captain to settle one large payment transaction could quickly spread to other transactions and institutions involved in the payment system, causing disruptions to the entire payment system.Systemic failure of the payment system can inevitably undermine t he effectiveness of monetary policy and adversely affect the real sector of the economy. The monetary authorities, therefore, have great interest in promoting efficient and sound payment system and in seeking ways to minimize systemic risk in the payment system because it has important implications for the conduct of monetary policy, the soundness of the uncial institutions and the fu nctioning of the economy as a whole (Baling et al. 996). Recently, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CAP AS) of the Bank for International Settlements (IBIS) has developed core principles for systematically 4 important payment systems (see Table 1 These are certainly relevant to emerging market and transition economies especially since they are in the process s of improving their payment systems in order to better handle the growing payment flows within and across their borders.The development of these core principles clearly demonstrates he amount of attention currently given by developed as well as develop ins economies in modernizing payment system in light of increasing financial market integration worldwide. This paper in general attempts to assess the efficiency of the existing payment system in the Philippines and its implications for the conduct of MO notary policy. Section II discusses key operational concepts involved in a payment system. This provides a gen eral background to the issues discussed in the subsequent sections.Section II discusses emerging payment systems in industrialized countries. Modern payment systems have evolved in industrialized countries and rapidly spread to developing countries, especially to those that have already substantially liberalized their financial markets. This evolution has continued in response to the growing v illume and complexity of the transactions and as new technologies emerge. Thus, the emerging payment systems in industrialized countries provide developing countries, like the Philippines, a preview of the likely evolution of their payment systems.Socio n IV describes and makes an assessment of the existing payment system in the Philippines. Section V assesses the implications of the existing and likely evolution of the country's payment system for the implementation of monetary policy. The last section presents some recommendations. The IBIS is an international organization, which fosters coo peration among central banks and other agencies in pursuit of monetary and financial sat ability and serves as the central bank of central banks.Its head office is in Basel, Switzerland and its representative office for Asia and the Pacific is in Hong Kong. 5 Economic transactions involve the rangers of goods and services and the corresponding transfer of value . As illustrated in Figure 1 , these transfers flow in opposite direction. A pa Yemen system, which is indicated in the lower part of is a method of transferring value between buyers (payers) and sellers (payees). In reality, a payment system is much more complex than what is suggested in the figure above. 1998) provides the following comprehensive description of a payment system: â€Å"A payment system encompasses a set of instruments and means generally acceptable in making payments; the institutional and organizational framework overdoing such payments (including prudential regulation); and the operating procedures and co mmunications network used to initiate and transmit payment information from payer to payee and to settle payments. † This section discusses the functions, types of risks and payment instruments in a payment system.A. Functions of a Payment System Any payment transaction has essentially two parts: the flow of information providing payment instructions and the flow of funds . Both flows may have different timing and direction. Each payment trans action requires some form of payment instrument o convey the information about the transactions, which may include the face value of the payment, the identity of the parties (I. E. , the payer and the payee) and their intermediaries, the transaction date, ND the value or settlement date.Regardless of the type of payment instrument used to effect payment, the payment system's functions of clearing and settlement occur. Clearing is the process of transmitting, reconciling and in some cases confirming Payne NT orders or security transfer in structions prior to settlement, possibly including netting of instructions and the establishment of final positions for settlement. This will be clarified further below. 6 Settlement is the act of transferring â€Å"good and final funds† between two parties.A Payne NT is settled with finality when the payer can no longer revoke the transfer of funds to the payee and the funds have been delivered unconditionally to the payee. This is the ultimate objective of a payment system. B. Various Types of Risk in a Payment S http://drips. Pits. Gob. PH/iris/PDF/peptidase's. PDF Retail Electronic Payments Systems for Va lee Transfers in the Developing World Bill Manure Department of Anthropology University of California, Irvine [email  protected] Deed Work in Progress This is a draft concept paper.You are welcome to cite or quote, but please do not do so without the author's perm session. Comments welcome. Summary A new â€Å"payments space† has emerged in the past five to ten years that promises to bring access to funds transfer, banking and financial SE revives to millions of unbaked people in developing countries and in the diasporas that remit funds to them. This payments space is characterized by the I innovative use of new information and communications technologies. This paper summarizes the expel irenic to date of us chi new electronic payments systems.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Treaty of Paris 1783 and the American Revolution

Following the British defeat at the Battle of Yorktown in October 1781, leaders in Parliament decided that offensive campaigns in North America should cease in favor of a different, more limited approach. This was spurred by the widening of the war to include France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. Through the fall and following winter, British colonies in the Caribbean fell to enemy forces as did Minorca. With anti-war forces growing in power, Lord Norths government fell in late March 1782 and was replaced by one led by Lord Rockingham. Learning that Norths government had fallen, Benjamin Franklin, the American ambassador in Paris, wrote to Rockingham expressing a desire to begin peace negotiations. Understanding that making peace was a necessity, Rockingham elected to embrace the opportunity. While this pleased Franklin, and his fellow negotiators John Adams, Henry Laurens, and John Jay, they made it clear that the terms of the United States alliance with France prevented them from making peace without French approval. In moving forward, the British decided that they would not accept American independence as a precondition for beginning talks. Political Intrigue This reluctance was due to their knowledge that France was experiencing financial difficulties and a hope that military fortunes could be reversed. To begin the process, Richard Oswald was sent to meet with the Americans while Thomas Grenville was dispatched to begin talks with the French. With negotiations proceeding slowly, Rockingham died in July 1782 and Lord Shelburne became the head of the British government. Though British military operations began to have success, the French stalled for time as they were working with Spain to capture Gibraltar. In addition, the French sent a secret envoy to London as there were several issues, including fishing rights on the Grand Banks, on which they disagreed with their American allies. The French and Spanish were also concerned about American insistence on the Mississippi River as a western border. In September, Jay learned of the secret French mission and wrote to Shelburne detailing why he should not be influenced by the French and Spanish. In this same period, Franco-Spanish operations against Gibraltar were failing to leave the French to begin debating ways for exiting the conflict. Advancing to Peace Leaving their allies to bicker amongst themselves, the Americans became aware of a letter sent during the summer to George Washington in which Shelburne conceded the point of independence. Armed with this knowledge, they re-entered talks with Oswald. With the issue of independence settled, they began hammering out the details which included border issues and discussion of reparations. On the former point, the Americans were able to get the British to agree to the borders established after the French Indian War rather than those set by the Quebec Act of 1774. By the end of November, the two sides produced a preliminary treaty based on the following points: Great Britain recognized the Thirteen Colonies to be free, sovereign and independent states.The borders of the United States would be those of 1763 extending west to the Mississippi.The United States would receive fishing rights on the Grand Banks and Gulf of St. Lawrence.All contracted debts were to be paid to creditors on each side.The Congress of the Confederation would recommend that each state legislature provide restitution for property taken from Loyalists.The United States would prevent property from being taken from Loyalists in the future.All prisoners of war were to be released.Both the United States and Great Britain were to have perpetual access to the Mississippi.Territory captured by the United States subsequent to the treaty was to be returned.Ratification of the treaty was to occur within six months of signing. With the British relief of Gibraltar in October, the French ceased to have any interest in aiding the Spanish. As a result, they were willing to accept a sepa rate Anglo-American peace. Reviewing the treaty, they grudgingly accepted it on November 30. Signing Ratification With the French approval, the Americans and Oswald signed a preliminary treaty on November 30. The terms of the treaty provoked a political firestorm in Britain where the concession of territory, abandonment of the Loyalists, and granting of fishing rights proved particularly unpopular. This backlash forced Shelburne to resign and a new government was formed under the Duke of Portland. Replacing Oswald with David Hartley, Portland hoped to modify the treaty. This was blocked by the Americans who insisted on no changes. As a result, Hartley and the American delegation signed the Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783. Brought before the Congress of the Confederation at Annapolis, MD, the treaty was ratified on January 14, 1784. Parliament ratified the treaty on April 9 and ratified copies of the document were exchanged the following month in Paris. Also on September 3, Britain signed separate treaties ending their conflicts with France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. These largely saw the European nations exchange colonial possessions with Britain regaining the Bahamas, Grenada, and Montserrat while ceding the Floridas to Spain. Frances gains included Senegal as well as having fishing rights guaranteed on the Grand Banks. Selected Sources University of Oklahoma: Treaty of Paris (1783) TextUS State Department: Treaty of Paris (1783)Patriot Resource: Treaty of Paris (1783)